Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I bought a couple ferns of this type from the "I'm dead" cart in the grocery store yesterday. They don't look this nice now but they will.  All it takes is a little water and attention to bring them back from the brink.
 My mother-in-law was a master at saving plants that commerce gave up on. I used to bring her African violets that even the produce manager threw in the trash and her windows were filled with blooming wonder.
 I'll settle for some fresh greenery beyond lettuce.

There's been so much buzz about the various notebook projects going on that I took mine and leafed through it hoping to find some inspiration. This one keeps calling me back and I found the pieces of cloth I need in the stash last night. I've been scratching to little effect in the same notebook for two years now and it's less than half full. That should tell you why I didn't even consider participating in a project that requires daily notebook entries.


Cate Rose said...

Since I've been blogging, my current "regular" written journal is in it's fourth year!

Catherine V. Bainbridge said...

I adore ferns! At the farm we have a small fern garden, with several different native species. A group of plants that often get over looked, and yet add so much majesty to a garden.