Monday, September 24, 2012

turning towards new

"For me it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."  - Carl Sagan

I have Glennis to thank for posting the above on FB this morning. Normally a fount of useless crap, cute animals and offensive political postures-
 this morning FB brought me the ever-useful "cod-upside-the-head" moment - the cream cheese frosting on a new idea cupcake I've been baking.

In conjunction with Elizabeth's most recent post, a dust-up over donating art on a well known mail list and an amazing GIFT that I recently received, there will be changes afoot with regards to the sale of my work on the main gallery.

More about that in days to come as we examine issues of value, worth and what we are here for. Normally I hate the editorial "we" but I will have questions, make statements and look forward to lively discourse.

and yes, this needs a lot more shuffling.


arlee said...

Autumn may be for battening down the hatches, but it's also a rather gristy time for change and improvement.

Bookhandler said...

I like this--the open hands, the soft colors. Makes me think of questions and searching, things unanswered yet sought. And so much for deep thinking for today.