Wednesday, June 05, 2019


 Celebrated my wedding anniversary with a good friend. Jim would have approved.

 As per tradition, we celebrated two days in a row -June 4th and June 5th - thanks to the judge who got lost coming to do our wedding and who made us come to town hall the next morning to repeat our vows to make it legal.

Monday, June 03, 2019

First pages

Prepping some elements for something new. 
The trick is how wet the cloth and how long to wait.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

shop update

If you order today, I can get them to the post office by noon tomorrow. Remember, if you claim a set, you must email me to follow up.

(The international experiment seems to be working so far for Australia and Canada.)

Saturday, June 01, 2019


a chill friday

I went out to shut off the hose filling the pool and something failed and drenched me. These colors won't run.

The blouse is so old that the tiny print was nearly invisible and there is a seed burn hole on the back (think on it). Forty years? More? I got it from a second-hand store in NY sometime in the '70s.
The hand of the cloth is like lawn but more substantial, and the construction and fit were so fine, I could never part with it. Dye has it born again in the best way.

Then, with grim determination, I dismembered a piece that's been hanging around the river basket like a case of poison ivy. It's done and 90% of the cloth bits were saved, including the base - a really fine huck tea towel, plain vanilla.