Friday, July 07, 2006

While I was away

This came in the mail from Nancy Javier of Banar Designs. That's me, lower right - a Cover Gal! And a nice full shot of a little piece I did last year. One of those journal sized pieces I did just because I needed some handwork to do. . I'm in some great company here: Sue Reno, Lesley Riley Jane La Fazio, Betty Hirsh, Lynn Krawczyk, Connie Rohman and Louise Thompson Schiele. It's a nice overview for people who may have never heard the terms "art" & "quilt" strung together. Here's the image from the inside of the book - better than the one I had left in my files


ACey said...

your published piece is very sharp lookin'! And on the cover! That's fabulous, too.

Karoda said...

How cool! Congrats on being on the cover!

Melly Testa said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome.