Monday, June 09, 2008

Clown College Graduation Day

(addendum up frontum - wiser birds that I have advised that I keep this one under my hat for a while. Since I don't plan on finishing it until some sanity returns, that's fairly easy to accomplish.) At least this one has a name. This has to come first under the "What the HELL was I Thinking" chapter.It's so big I can't even get a proper picture of it unless I stand on the picnic table and that's not likely to happen. All this because I liked the way two pieces of fabric looked snuggles together. Sheesh. I have to calm myself and remember that I had the same frustration and trepidations while I was making this piece which turned out well enough although I still wonder which me made it. They were both started with the same technique of making a discharged monoprint followed by lots of raw edge applique and hours and hours of painting to bring some sort of cohesion to the design. Talk about being seduced by details (and being blinded to the very messy whole!) -> I had better put this one away before it gets made into a doggie blanket.


susan said...

it turned out great! doggie blanket my eye! is it quilted or just painted and pieced and i dont mean that lightly....

Karoda said...

deb, you're so crazy and i mean that in the sweetest way...this piece is fun and fantastic...reminds me of juggling!

jude said...

love it. it IS a way, eh?

Sandy said...

CLOWN COLLEGE! Love it. I want a full picture! Love the red one too. But when you are ready for preview, I'm your gal!

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

i think this will look amazing... i am very intrigued, but i can wait