Thursday, September 30, 2010

things to be grateful for

-Not getting electrocuted when the CPU from work committed suicide the first time I hooked it up at home.
My telecommuting will be delayed until a replacement arrives or the resurrection, whichever comes first. 

-the Ace of Wands
-Braves sweep the Marlins.
-sweets from my sweetie.
-good sleeping weather.
-time and stuff to stitch on.


Catherine V. Bainbridge said...

Here's to all that!

Lovely piece in the image. I'm surprised that nobody has commented on this yet, it's so nicely balenced (unbalanced?) and very [pl]easing on the eye. Like so many square moons

Deb Lacativa said...

Thanks Catherine, it's actually an old (last year) piece, one of a series that I probably bored people with but someone liked it well enough to purchase!