Thursday, October 30, 2008

new creatures

Pushing these silk scraps around to my bidding makes me think about pushing paint (again). I thought about giving them transparent wings but these are walking beings, stalking beings, not flyers by any means.

Humbug Halloween

Voodoo appears to be the soul of Halloween here. In fact, when people start knocking at the front door, he is usually already in hiding. I haven't really been able to get into the spirit of Halloween since my boys (um, 23 & 27) and the rest of the neighborhood kids have finally figured out that they are too old for trick-or-treating. Strangers seem to truck into my neighborhood to stand mutely on my doorstep holding out a plastic grocery sack with no clue as to the spirit of holiday. I fully suspect that my candy is being confiscated from them and resold in dollar stores all over the community in the coming year. No one seems to understand or care either "Trick or Treat" or "thanks!". I'm tired of ten year old girls who look like they will leave my doorstep and spend the rest of the evening hooking on the corner. I'm tired of boys pretending (all too well) to be thugs. We have a cat door that opens onto the entryway right where the kids stand waiting for me to open the door. I wanted to reach through the cat door and grab them by the leg!! but it was pointed out that more than one dolt would probably fall down the stairs and sue me for instructing them in the spirit of Halloween. Well, all this griping is moot because this year, I have to work, as in YES! a JOB! and by the time I get home the candles will be out, the candy gone and the spirit flown for another year. This year even Karma is singularly unimpressed with my efforts.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

wonders and delights

Never mind that mess on my design wall. If you look at nothing else on the internet for a while, take a look at this . Jude never fails to inspire me.

Back on the wall for now.

All that stitching and still there are design flaws. Value issues abound. There's a lack of focus. Something about the figures is annoying me.

You just get your nose down too close to the technique at hand and the big picture gets away from you every time. Something drastic has to happen here and, for the moment, it's escaping me.

Friday, October 24, 2008

just a few stitches

Although half my checked bag was taken up by sewing stuff and things to work on, there has been little time for the luxury of a few handstitches. Here's a little inspiration from my mother's blue glass collection. She used to be a wildly indiscriminate collector and would even hoard Noxema jars. This one I like a lot.