Sunday, February 09, 2014

letting the badges go

Taking some time this morning to post the badges on the "buy art" page...

This one, all of them, will be stitched to a plain white 8x11 canvas.

I'm keeping "Breakdown" for myself.

 Sometimes, once these things are finished, I'm startled at how they can be both extremely personal and completely universal. I guess love is just like that.

Friday, February 07, 2014

writers write

I caught a break early morning. Voodoo decided to camp out in the chair instead of my lap which left me free to work at the computer without feline interference.

I pulled up the bones and hair of a short story I have been working on and all of a sudden it was after noon and eight pages were crying out for a rewrite.

I can't wait to paint this room stark, blinding white.

Faithful readers have asked if and when the badges will go on sale.
Yes, I hope to post the ones that will be for sale on the "buy art..."  page..tomorrow if the sun cooperates with this photographer.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Heart of Life

Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around 
No it won't all go the way it should But I know the heart of life is good

John Mayer

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

new silent auction

"Winter Behind Us"      2011
I picked this one "in hope" for much of the country..time will pass and so will winter. Hand appliqued and embroidered vintage hand dyed cloth, 11"x 14", faced and ready for framing.

 I will be taking silent bids via email ( until midnight on Valentine's Day 2.14.13

Please put  "BID" in the subject line and tell me if you want to be notified if you are outbid.

The opening bid is $81.39  US. Shipping included in the US. (International bidders are welcome but the cost of shipping will be determined at the time of sale and added to the winning bid)

Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

the valentine post

I wrote about these earlier today, but accidentally posted it here  which is where it really belonged in the first place. Funny how that will happen.