This summer marks the twentieth year of this magical place.
I was beginning to worry that, due to a combination of circumstances, it might not happen this year. But Colin got it done including rescuing a half-million tadpoles that had been conceived and born during the delay. Bucket by bucket, he took them down to the creek. Froggy resettlement on a huge scale.
There was an infrastructure fail that allowed about half the new water to sneak off down to the creek, but we got it fixed and refilled. I don't want to think about the upcoming water bill, but I will be working a little overtime in the upcoming weeks - and it will be worth it!
We moved into the house and before changing anything else, Jim made this happen. There had been a small financial windfall as a result of a life-changing, on the job injury he suffered and he decided that this was the best use of a good chunk of the settlement. We never regretted that decision.
Yesterday, I went in for the first time. For fresh from the ground water, it was refreshing, not freezing. I have to remember to bring my hat down there and am shopping for a floaty. Also have to set some time limits. Nah, that's crap!
Every time I get in, it's like church and I have Jimmy to thank for it.