Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Beltane ripened

The veil is thin.

At the post office, there was a dish of candy out on the counter. Shocking in that this post office rarely even has functioning air conditioning. There were two pieces of my mother's favorite candies. I took them both.
 When I got home, the first of the peonies were blooming. The ones I brought from New York some thirty years ago.

And these were rioting out on the work table.
I'm supposed to be working on dialogue for the living, but the ghosts are having their say, so I'll be still and listen a while.

some cloth

It's hot and muggy here. I rounded up an armload of lackluster cloth and marched them down to the dye deck.

A half-dozen technicolor lumps are basking in the sun, soaking up the color with the heat. I wish it would rain so I could leave them to their own devices, but I'll be doing the wash-out tonight. Then we'll see if there was any kick left in those dyes.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


It's what happens between thread, the needle, and the cloth.

Somehow, I'm not a part of this conversation. It seems to happen while I'm not paying attention. My mind is elsewhere, on other conversations.

Monday, April 29, 2019

GOT spoiler alert...

...but really, if you're not watching, why? I screamed. I cried, I covered my eyes and the cat ran out of the room disgusted with me.

It's such great theater. Reminds me of old school soap operas, although those writers never planned endings. This one is going to break my heart.

I don't watch much TV.  Didn't start watching this one until early last year. I'm always late to catch the wave. So glad I did for this one.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

the dirty thread boogie

I want to thank everyone who ordered threads this weekend. There are a few more sets to post, then there will be a week or so before I can set up the next round.

In a world where the phrases "hand-crafted" and "artisanal" get tossed around pretty fast and loose, I can assure you that those expressions really do apply to Dirty Thread making. It may be messy and time-consuming, but I think it's worth the trouble.

As you can see, I got mine.