This was all. There might be more buds hiding. The foliage was dark and strong this year. Something must have died out there enriching the soil.
But as ever, this horticultural freak is not made to withstand adversity. Or is twenty-four hours of glory enough?
A thunderstorm was coming so I brought them knowing they'd be blasted apart if I didn't. Here, for another few hours, they can delight eyes. Irritate my nose. And yes, there are bewildered ants trekking about my kitchen table.
I was in the bedroom reading and listening to a ballgame on the radio - an AM station live on YouTube. A change in light at the doorway and I looked up from the page.
A little face peered up at me. Black as pitch, long-haired standing in a dark halo around his head, round yellow eyes so unafraid even though he'd snuck in the house and come upstairs. I blinked and said, "Hello." and he was gone back the way he came in. Cat doors, portals to mayhem.
I suspect he's been hanging out in the living room, each of my cats taking turns keeping him occupied, and getting to know one another. If he makes bold like that again, I'm going to trap him and have him neutered.
Then we'll see how he likes me.