Yesterday was full of blessings.
A big item came off my "to do, or get done" checklist.
.you know the kind of checklist that rides around on your shoulder like a poorly trained monkey, picking at your hair and harassing strangers in public. Thanks to both my sons.
Then the mail brought reminders that, although I have cut myself off from the world at large for big chunks of the day, there are people who think about me and the caring comes through.
I am deeply grateful for all of you.
The mail brought gifts! There was a box of very precious vintage linens and another with inspirational art and seeds to help my poor bedraggled garden.
Thank you N & D.
The translation of the title of this post is "
the exact right word or phrasing". Of course, right is always a matter of opinion, but the only one I'm counting now is my own. I'm finding that, although there is nothing instinctual about writing fiction the way I used to work in cloth and thread, finding those right words is even more compelling.
My only complaint is, that like working on a piece for Quilt National, not much can be revealed before the piece is not only finished but
juried in.
The process of picking and choosing those right words reminds me of the many times I spent hours stitching away or embellishing something only to take a step back and a hard look and then pick it all out and start over.
You all know what that's like, but I get to do it now
without pictures.