Saturday, November 17, 2007

More new stuff and miscellany

Pamela's talk about non-representational work and the mere mention of Mark Rothko has caused me to drag out pieces of hand-dyed damask and hand painted cottons that I could never bring myself to cut into and use them in a large way. I recently came into a few acres of a really intense, black polyester blend that has found new life as base and backing fabric. Just gonna stare at it awhile and try to see how the stitching will help or hurt it. I'm having second thought about the center element. It's starting to look like a skirt.

This is me going away with Voodoo and Jinx who are not quite aware that the other is there or mayhem might have ensued.

And this is my little pagan family protection nest.


mzjohansen said...

Is Voodoo like my Bart - a 'stick-to-your-side"kind of kitty?
Love that photo ! What a fine pair! I seem to deal with kitty angst too much these days of closed doors and windows ...

Melly Testa said...

I love you Deb, there is something fantastical and larger than life about you.

Unknown said...

lovely piece! i wasnt' thinking skirt at all though. to me it was more face-like in the overall and the skirt was a veil. lovely :)

arlee said...

OOOO is that new hair? Love it! Matches the gorgeous colours in that fabric! That one could be Majorly Mystic :}

Nikki said...

I love the pieces of cloth. I could see how you would have a hard time cutting into them.