Thursday, June 13, 2019

How a day is done

Winding is mindless and mindful at the same time. Something I can do while watching. Watching the running, jumping, playing. The Joy.

His booster seat in the backseat of my coupe calls for me to climb in and out to secure him. A dozen times by noon with yesterday's errands. This morning I'm just waiting for the drugs to kick in.

Yesterday would have been Jim's 64th birthday. We sang the Beatles song and had pizza. Charlie provided the genuine laughs.

At a time in my life when heart's joy was so low, this little being has made a big dent in the shortfall. 

1 comment:

Ms. said...

Thank the stars for "Charlie" and thank you for sharing everything. It is a comfort to me that I am not the only being with challenging pains in my aging, sometimes not gracefully, onward. Really, the intimacy of these posts may only be web sharing, therefore viral, but it serves as actual contact to this receiver. May all beings, including us, be relieved.