Saturday, October 25, 2014

the saturday stitch

I'm going to be optimistic and take this with me today. There might be a little time for stitching and I'm loving my own hand dyed floss.

I gave half a thought to shutting this blog down last night, but, then I thought, just because the things that are going on in my life now won't interest people, and the last thing I have to do is write about tedium, this doesn't mean that there is no longer room in my life for beautiful things. No matter who made them.

So, from time to time, I'll make the time.  Seasons change, So will circumstances.

PS...there are still some damn fine people in this world. Thank you all.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

Deb, having known you for a Good While, and shared your Life on different levels, to me, whatever is happening is important. If you told me what the light was like as you drove to Charlie's in
the morning...that would be Good.
"there are only dim headlights moving toward me as i set out to Charlie's house this morning"
That would do it for me.
If you showed me a pic of the small pieces, the thread that you took "just in case", that would be even More.
Reading the small details of each other's lives gives us a balance in our own that we couldn't otherwise imagine. And this is also the ongoing story of you and Jimmy. I like very much being a part of that in the witnessing. Like Jimmy, i can't be there, but you can tell me. Even just small things.
My life here is repetitious, really, and i often wonder of the value of putting it on a "blog". Sat with Goats, turned compost". I continue.
I would ask you Please, don't go away.
It's what it Is and because of that, it's Important.
LOVE very much....more than you might guess, grace

Cobi said...

I love to read your blog. I've been following it for quite some time. I don't mind if you don't always have time to post, I can wait.
Sometimes I don't post for long times and then, suddenly, I keep sharing stuff. I guess that's how things go in life. But through these blogs we keep each other inspired. And I hope you managed to get some spare time for stitching. So relaxing.

Nancy said...

Grace you said this so beautifully...I feel the same way.

Deb, by this time I consider you a friend, so everything in your world is of meaning to me. I not only love to see your work and all the gorgeous colors you make, but I want to hear about the amazing grandson whose arrival could not have been more perfectly timed. I want to lend a shoulder when you need to share the stuff that is too much of a burden for your shoulders alone. I do also want to continue to learn from you, be inspired by you and continue to bear witness to a wonderful life. (((hugs))) to you Deb, today and every day.

Mary Ann said...

I love to see your hand dyes and the fun stuff you pass off as "not much",. The grandson is adorable, looks a bit like you! I bet he picks up what ever your habits are and becomes a little artist.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Ditto to all that has been said! In our grandmothers' day, they wrote to friends and family in long hand, added a stamp and addressed the envelope, then read the mail they got back. That's what blogs are today, only with a much larger group of friends and family. We may never meet in person, but I feel like we have connected, and I look forward to posts about what you are doing, creative or otherwise!

Lynda said...

Deb, I agree with the above. Post when you feel like it and on what you want to post about.