Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Freaky Monday

Nana by Charlie

We had a long day together yesterday. School holiday for something or other. I am now being corrected if I botch a lyric from "Yellow Submarine"

 A grand time was had by all.

Today I joined the mobs on catch-up day at the post office and got everything shipped out ahead of Hurricane Michael, so if you are expecting a package from me, stand by!

It looks like we might take a hit this time. Too early to tell.


Joanne S said...

I had to go look it up==Columbus Day. In Canada it was Thanksgiving Day.

I don't know why Columbus still has a day. The post office lady in the delivery truck said she was working overtime (salaried) delivering mail from Monday and Tuesday. She wasn't a happy camper. And she mentioned to my husband that the sorting was screwed up as well. Going Postal, I guess.

Those rolls look wonder-filled. That red spotted one is pick of the litter?

I think the pool is going to overflow--you might want to pre-drain it a foot or more.

Sharon Richards said...

What a striking resemblance between your grandson's portrait of you and the camera picture you posted!!! :)