Saturday, August 08, 2020

saving the day. saving myself.

I'm not normally prone to insomnia. Of course, my rhythms get thrown off when Charlie spends time here. Friday night was recovery night, but waking at 3:30am? I should have known better than to pick up my phone. If I'd turned the pillows over for a cool spot and nudged a cat away for room to stretch, I would have fallen back to sleep.

Instead, I opened an email and was ready to dress head to toe in black wrappings, find my rusty machete, and head out into the night looking for someone deserving to slay. Let's just say it's a long skulk to Washington. I'm beginning to understand the rash of seemingly unprovoked violence going around like a certain virus. People are stressed to the max and snapping.

Me? I was disproportionately enraged that a package sent out west and received at the post office was, without notice, sent back to me because the recipient hadn't picked it up. The rules say 30 days if you notify them of a hold being needed. This was barely two weeks. Hopefully, it will come back to my doorstep, but that will not be the end of the issue. Asses will fry.

My mother worked in a first-class post office for twenty-five years. I know how bullshit flows downstream onto the front line workers who are not to be blamed. This is another wave of Trumpfuckery that should really have people completely freaked out. Raise hell, people.

So, no, I did not get up from my nest and murder anyone. I got up in the dark burned a bagel and drank some lemonade. Went back to bed and slept until 9:30. Gave the day over to a short burst of housekeeping,  some hasty color, then a long swim.
There is still danger in the air.


Liz A said...

as if there wasn't already enough to worry about ... the post office ... ugh

Marilee said...

My father worked for the Post office for 35 years, back when it was a government agency. It was a mistake to change it to this whatever arrangement they are calling it. It makes it a sitting duck if a president comes along who wants to help make his rich friends richer. And here he is. Even when it was a branch of the government my father said every time there was a change of party in the White House some local contractor got a job redoing something in the buildings such as wiring, windows, etc. Even when nothing needed to be done. And screwing with it right before an election is definitely election manipulation. I live in Oregon (we've voted by mail for 20 years with now screw up) and our mail has been sporadic already. We always get some kind of mail, even if it's advertising. Now when we get something there's been a couple of days when we get nothing and then a day when we get a lump of ads, and then again several days where there is nothing.
Pisses me off. I don't know if this country can take five more months of that twit in the White House. And if he loses the election, can you imagine what damage he will do in the remaining two moths of his term?