Wednesday, February 05, 2025

hanging on

to this scrap of cloth. 


Working at seeing all of this from the highest level possible. Knowing that there are so many other people in positions of action who are doing more than just worrying and fretting. All I have is my voice and I will not be quiet.

I don't need to know how the sausage is made. 

Gaza will end him. This weak excuse for a man has stepped into a nest of vipers.

There are warriors who have lived with their backs to the wall for so long, that they no longer have a concept of personal danger or loss. The only thing that keeps them going is rage, and now, they have a big fat target. Even that would be unsatisfying.

PS This afternoon there were demonstrations in Austin, Sacramento, DC, New York, and many more. They were peaceful, and passionate, with no police involvement that I saw. What media coverage there was seemed spontaneous. No network talking heads, even in DC.

Closer to my heart, got my moonlight back.
 I picked it up yesterday from the jeweler. A month ago I stopped there to get a watch battery replaced. A young clerk offered to clean my rings. She looked at this one with a loupe and found that the setting was so worn down that only two prongs and some grime kept the stone in place. Nice save.

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