Monday, September 25, 2006


I've been thinking about getting a tattoo lately and don't have a decent explanation except that this doodle I drew on the cover of my sketchbook with a silver Sharpie keeps drawing my eye. I also watch Miami Ink with horrid fascination as people have mediocre art permanently carved into their hides with little or no explanation as to the choices, as if the stuff would just wash off! I've seen some photos of tattoos done in white ink. They look great if your skin tone provides enough contrast. I get very tan without even trying and high on my shoulder seems like the only place that won't continue to wrinkle or stretch as I get older. And WHY do people have tattoos put on their bodies in places where they can never see them without a mirror??? Maybe I'll just sew the design to something and leave my body alone.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Glue as Resist

I finally got out and did some errands today including getting a small tub of soda ash from Leslie's (the winterizing can wait another week) and a replacement darning foot for my Janome. Stitch & Quilt in Lawrenceville had undergone a major transformation since the last time I was there. They've taken over the adjacent storefronts and now carry sewing machines. They not only had the foot I needed, they also had those little round gizmos that go over the spool and keep the thread feeding smoothly. I think my cats have been stealing them from my worktable for cat poker.
A while ago I bought some Elmers because I read someplace that it make a good resist. I've been waiting on the soda ash to dip this piece in blue dye and then see how hard it was to get the glue out. Piece of cake and I like the results.

Happy Rosh Hashanah

"The Jewish New Year is a time to begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year." I like it - a three month jump on new beginnings but I'm afraid I'll be breaking the "no work" rule because I'm running out of time before Jimmy comes home and the Animal House loses it's charter! I grew up in a predominately Jewish neighborhood and absorbed a lot of the culture and decided early to take the best of all the religions I could find out about - namely, High Holy Days off from School! Convincing my parents was another story. "The Autumnal Equinox signals the end of the summer months and the beginning of winter. At this time of year, days have been shortening since the Summer Solstice some three months earlier, and the Equinox is the point where nights reach the same length as days. After this point, the Sun will shine lower and lower on the horizon until the Winter Solstice in about three months' time." But I still have a pool to clean and put to bed for the winter, as much as I hate it, we have to put the cover on it soon before those trees drop every last leaf in the water. Isn't that some healthy looking algae down there? I have a couple of hand dyes upstairs with those colors in them. I hate that pool cover. I almost Died a few years ago when I tripped on the deck and fell onto the covered pool. It was November. A tie down broke and I was instantly wrapped in heavyweight vinyl, wet winter clothing and 40 degree water. I went in feet first and landed within arm's reach of the edge. The instant I screamed for help I remembered I was home alone and no one would hear me. My arms were pinned to my sides by the plastic and the water pressure. Balanced precariously on one foot, I had time to examine the situation and clearly realize that if I didn't act carefully I WAS GOING TO DIE. My left arm was pinned to my side, my right hand to my throat. I could not move but felt that I could fall over at any minute. I had to ease the water pressure on the plastic so with my right fingers, all I could move, I pulled the cover away from my neck allowing the freezing water down inside the cover. The cold was shocking but as the pressure lessened I was able to pull my whole arm free and grab hold of the rail to keep from falling over. It seemed to take forever for enough freezing water to get down along my body and on top of the cover so I could free myself. It took another several minutes to haul myself out of the pool with about thirty pounds of cold, wet clothing added to my own excess. Once I caught my breath and gave thanks to Buddha,the Force, Quan Yin, Jesus, Allah, Isis, Hera, Yemana, and Jobu (covering all bases) I got up and stripped naked by the back door and ran upstairs and got under the covers and just cowered there for the whole afternoon. What a stupid way to almost die! My deepest terror was thinking that this could have happened to my one of my sons or my husband and what they would have felt or done in the moments that I had just experienced. These thoughts were worse than the experience itself. I still shudder to remember it and give thanks again to the whole Crew that it was only me.

Friday, September 22, 2006

MySpace Idiots

While I can't accuse them of having bad taste, it still pisses me off that all these MySpace losers who think they are SO computer literate don't get the problem with linking directly to images on someone else's website. It's called BANDWIDTH THEFT for a reason. So instead of getting worked up about it, I went to some of my old posts (with the hijacked images) and replaced the images with same-named files of some really nasty pictures that have smart remarks on them about the clever posters. Today I took one girls face and photoshopped it to a monkey's butt - do you think they will get the hint? Now when Buffy, Amber and SwanGirl and the rest of the crew login to their MS accounts to see how much love they have garnered today, the new wallpaper they stole from me is going to shrivel their heads. I'm going to keep track and the little darlings who don't get the message and remove the links quickly are going to be linking to some Class XXX porno-graffee by this time next week.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Off the Soapbox and Back to the Janome

Remember "Secret Message"? I spent a lot of time just looking at it and nothing was coming so I took it off the design wall and put it away. Of course, that's when notions occur in the night. I had a bit of stuff done on it and didn't like the way it was progressing so I stopped the whole process to spend an evening picking all those machine stitches out before starting on the dream path. Scales, snails, and paving stones.