Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th!

 It's just us this year. Colin is at work and Jake & Missy just left for the lake.

We are celebrating the 4th quietly. A little swimming pool, some grilling, roast corn on the cob, watermelon and a little overdyeing.

What? You mean not everyone overdyes on the 4th of July??

There's a Braves game on TV at 5 and by the time it gets dark there will be fireworks all over the neighborhood with the patter of lead shot falling on the roof from errant shotgun blasts. Ah, living in the south!

Friday, July 02, 2010


It's drizzly day for the first time in ages which means it's a stitching, quiet contemplation day. Breezes are slamming open doors. Sleeping cats draped everywhere.

I continue to sort/fold/iron my way through the two big baskets of dyed fabrics - three for me, one for you...

As I go along, I find pieces that relate to one another, color and texture, and fold them together into project bundles for some future time. I have a lot of projects on the back burner.

Large, hand stitched pieces, take a lot of commitment to the outcome so you want to be really sure of your path before you take that stitch. I find myself taking extra care with each stitch so there will be no false moves to take away from my satisfaction with the finished quilt. For now, building my own beach is taking the place of being on one somewhere.

 It's been a long time since I have submitted my work to any kind of venue. The crapshoot of funding an entry has become an extravagance and I'm just not in any kind of mood to be judged. I'd rather play poker if I had money to piss away!
My time for art has become so precious that I can only please myself and I've been plenty happy about it all lately. Of course, the White Whale of Quilt National is looming and what (fiber) artist can resist that challenge, so I won't be putting up any more pictures of the big things in progress (jeez, that sucks so much!). Then there's one of my favorites coming up too, Art Quilts XV: Needleplay  where they don't yet care about pre-publication complications, amen.

back to the studio.....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

the days were packed

Despite all the frenetic and exuberant color you been seeing these past few days, I've made time to sit quiet and start the long delayed satisfaction of  the handwork on Beach. I'm already feeling the pangs of the last stitch although this piece is very large.

 Thanks to everyone who had advice about the pain in my heel. All the recommended treatments and exercises are already making a difference. This too shall pass.


now I MUST go upstairs and sort, iron and fold all that exuberance!

As promised

I was trying to embed the video of Sweetie in the swimming pool but I seems to have gone web stupid this morning so here's the link instead.