Monday, August 16, 2010

blues and blooms

I woke up before dawn this morning and "Witness" was on the TV, sound way down low so it was all about the marvelous colors that everyone (except Harrison Ford) was wearing. I wonder if the Amish really dress this way?

and for the first time since they were planted, all four of my crepe myrtles are blooming at the same time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

moving the mountain with a teaspoon

I'm using four strands of Sulky 12wt cotton through all these layers of muslin, damask and silk. It goes so smoothly with no fussing or jumping into knots I know I'm going to have a hard time finding the stopping place even though this piece is something like 40"x65".

My intention is to build this piece as if it were to be used as bedding so the quilting layer has to look as good on the back as it does on the front (but don't call the quilt police just yet) .

And once again, while I was in the studio looking for something else, I unearthed this one which is waiting it's turn for the same treatment...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

a weekend with (not at) the Beach

It's going to be a rainy weekend here in GA for the first time in ages and the plan is to settle in and stitch on the two large pieces I have in progress.

The piece of sugar dyed percale to the right in this picture popped out of a pile while I was rooting around for something else and it keeps calling me back wanting to be incorporated into "Beach".

Before I go chopping into it I'm going to fiddle with the two of them digitally to see if it's only my imagination that they have something to say about each other.

After cutting and pasting some images together I decided against the juxtaposition. It was just too jarring. Phyllis, I went with another piece of that wonderful soft cotton you sent me.

Monday, August 09, 2010

ocean homes progress

It's been too hot to handle cloth much less do any stitching here in the south, but enough of that whining.
Yesterday there was a slight break in the oppressive weather and I sat under the fan in the studio and took up this long cool drink of water once again. Holding it at arm's length, I can't believe I've committed to a mile of crossed stitches but there you have it. As soon as I started sewing again, I knew this was what the piece required. I also know that one moment I'll find the last stitch is done and then it will be time to add the second layer and start hand quilting the waves.  Each of these pieces of cloth has a history and character and it's a pure pleasure to be bringing them together in this way.

Friday, August 06, 2010

the grove moves forward (only if you are not looking)

Remember this notion of a grove? It's made it's way to the next step of becoming and I hope all the scribbling in my notebook won't be for nothing. There will be hand dyed silk organza and this color example is not even close because there is just no rendering how it will look . Having never worked with this fabric before I have a lot of questions and little cloth to waste.