Sunday, October 24, 2010

auditions (more)

As much as I want them to, these pieces just aren't getting along...not without scissors coming into play.

Just throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, what compels, what insists....

For the eye's reference, these are all
  40 to 60 inches on whatever long side..throw your arms wide. THAT  big.

One is moving me to look again, come back and make it real. Why?
Questions I have to answer myself before I'll commit to moving ahead.

The troubling and overriding question right now is "why?"

Time to hide out with the Sunday NY Times I think.

Two more hours of this and I can see this could go on forever.  I'm going to arrange this images on a single page and start the elimination process. It's good to know that even after I choose, there will be lots of uncut cloth left to expand with. Also, know that there are other planned and significant element for the pieces based on sketches I've made. These are the grounds for the rest of what's going on.

Getting ahead of myself in in thinking about that these will be machine stitched but the how not yet clear or decided.

See..this could go on for ever

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stuffing Cusspots with Sweetie

Full Moon Inspiration

I walked under the full moon and asked for wisdom and inspiration. When I went out the moon was a Kleig light 12 o'clock high and it was so cold out the cats looked up from their curled up nests, one-eyed, and said "Hardly" so I went alone.

Here is how it begins.  While looking for something else - and now I can't even remember what or why - I found this fabulous piece of weighty, world weary muslin that looks like a last ditch overdye.

That bites are missing means the color and texture has caught my eye before but the shape that is left is the crown grabber now.

There are drawings in the sketchbook, only black and white ideas. This color will bring the notion to life. Something large, expansive and charged. I am done crouching over the tiny and delicate for the moment. I have to flap my wings and howl, run amok and afoul.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Full October Moon

This morning, bright sunshine in the studio demanded work in the fiber mines, so there are exciting new sets in the store. Who made this stuff? 

Later tonight, me and the Kat Krew  be taking my Tarot cards for a walk in the moonlight. More about my ongoing Tarot studies in a future post.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

seeing the work in print... never a cheap thrill...especially when you didn't know it was coming. Thanks to my friend Mary McBride  "Innocent Bystanders" is in this month's SAQA print journal which is one of my favorite things that arrives by mail. She has written a great and timely article  "Taking the sting out of rejection".  This piece was juried into the show she created last year called "The Skinny Envelope" after it was not accepted at several others. I was in really great company at the Gateway Center for the Arts, in DeBary FL. Thanks again Mary!