Monday, July 18, 2011


 These have been hanging on the design wall for a while now because I can't decide if I want to leave them soft or mount them permanently to canvases, or some other treatment.

No matter what, they have to stay together. The sizes, shapes, colors and placements of each piece were long considered and very satisfying to me.  I feel a series coming on.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

a change of venue

I finished the text on this little piece last night . Talk about putting decals on fly's wings! I need to put my eyes on a far horizon someplace for a while.

Spent the morning shopkeeping.
There are a dozen new magic cloth burritos up in the store. I dug deep in the stash and stuck to the beach/meadow theme and kept my usual color lunacy in check for a few hours. 

People ask me all the time for muted tones, grays and the like. Those colors are really hard for me folks!

Friday, July 15, 2011

the Art Place show (update)

Ginny Greaves blog has all the best pictures, facts, and figures. All I did was show up and have a great time. Thanks again to everyone who made this happen.

MCD crosspost

I've been hunkered down against the heat and humidity working on this sampler that grew up...more about it here.

time for a new one.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spill Traveling

How many of you have done all the necessaries to get a piece accepted into a prestigious show and then, somehow, let the "must arrive by" date slip under your radar?!?

I just got back from doing the HomeDepot (for hanging apparatus) and FedexKinkos demented boogie. The guys at home depot couldn't have been more helpful. The gal at Fedex was very helpful but their website needs work.

It WILL arrive in Lowell in plenty of time.

and now to consider what color my toenails should be for the gallery opening tonight.