Saturday, May 04, 2013

rainy day doings

I am testing some natural remedies for the tinnitus that has been plaguing me for a while now. The list of prescription drugs that have been trialed for the purpose is frightening - evidence of how far people are willing to go to solve this issue. No doubt many of the researchers were sufferers too. At its worst,
 I have the stereo sound of jets preparing to take off inside my head. Quiet contemplation is a distant memory.

It's raining so hard here that much of the state is under a flood watch and the power keeps flickering. We are going to have to hire a flock of sheep to cut the front lawn, it's gone so lush. My Goodman is cooking chili so there was nothing to do but push cloth around for a while....

Friday, May 03, 2013

On todays menu - WORMS!

Ah there's nothing like a big fat rejection email (five pieces "not invited") to further deepen the ditch of creative inertia and frost the cake of a creative funk.
This would have been a local show so I went all out and entered five of my most recent large pieces springing for the extra entry fees reasoning there'd be no shipping costs. No kidding! No gas even

"But I like worms" I tell myself. I'm in the right line of work to get plenty.

What I need most is a sunny day so I drummed one up for myself this morning without even thinking much about it. (water color crayons)

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is nearly finished (is that me swatting at a severed head?) so I think I will just set the whole cloth mess  aside for a while until the spirit moves me to something other than teeth gnashing and tail lashing. 
You know it will eventually.

Thursday, May 02, 2013


It's chill and damp again, but I flew in the face of the elements and painted/dyed that great expanse of vanilla that has been moaning on the design wall for so many days now. I mixed the dyes with warm water and hoped for the best. The least I could do is leave it overnight so no pictures yet. But here are the cleanup cloths!

 I don't know how much is dye and how much is dirt because before I could start working I had to clean up after the deck gardening.

Grace, these are yard square chunks from one of the large tablecloths that arrived yesterday. Wait until you see my Naughty Amish Cap!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

starting over

Nothing from me but the blank wall where it used to be. It was on the fast track to Aggravation by way of Boring so I've taken it all down and will put it away for a while. My head is all mushy from hitting it against the wall.

I'm going to break out the crayons for a while today and sniff around for the spark.

And speaking of fresh starts. {{SNAP}} take that WordoPressors, Arlee is up and running beautifully here.

I am wondering aloud here if her alleged TOS violations had anything to do with her vociferous complaints lodged against that den of thieves who coyly call themselves "pinners".  Could it be that WP and pinshit are in bed corporately?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

still shuffling and WTF Word(OP)press!

Gonna let this one perk a few days before I consider adding any color. It will come but at the moment I am both burned up and anxious.

Arlee Barrs blog has been suspended by Wordpress for some imagined TOS violation. If you have been following this blog for any length of time, you probably follow hers too and know she's not some kind of sleazeball entrepreneur pill pushing hacker, or whatever they are trying to brand her.

Like me and many other artists, she primarily uses her blog do document her process. Imagine one morning trying to log in to your blog and finding it GONE -NADA-ZILCH..with no explanations, warnings or easily apparent appeals process.

Makes my stomach roll over just thinking about it and I will spend several hours later today downloading my entire history here, just in case blogger decides to get its knickers into a knot over some imagined shit or other. All I can  say is WTF?

I've written to WP on Arlees behalf..if you want, here's the link for you to do the same but if you are a WP user I'd worry that the bastards are casting some kind of net...