It was a marathon weekend. The bottom fell out of the thermometer on Saturday night. While New England was suffering a nor'easter, we got frostbit here in Georgia. I hauled all of my houseplants into the bedroom. Hitchhikers too. The spiders and stinkbugs in my house are running scared.
It was good to have the
Warmth at the touch of a button.
All the orders for cloth and thread are on their way. If some of the packages look like they've been tampered with, that was just me improving the weight.
I don't have a postal scale, always just eyeballed the filling of the envelopes, but these news ones confounded me. Slippery devils. As I started processing them at the self-service kiosk in the post office, some came up too light so I brought them back home and operated.
I'm going through the receipts and will be sending out surprises to a handful that were sent before I started checking the weights. I know where you live. :)
Charlie did Halloween at school on Friday so on Monday we did candy. Lots of candy. There is a new schedule and I get there at 630 in the morning and when he wakes up 7ish, he wakes me with the question, "What are we up to today, Nana?"