Tuesday, March 22, 2011

worky worky

The morning was given over to a combination of cooking, laundry and cleaning - all satisfying pastimes with immediate and visible outcomes, unlike art.
But a new dye season is on the horizon and I'm already collecting the white goods. There's an Antique Depot nearby that has a great load of old damask table cloths with a half inch of dust on them, in time I will make them an offer they can't refuse.

My wish list at ProChem changes almost daily. I have to keep reminding myself that old dyes still make great fabric.

Lest you think I have been consumed by cooking and cleaning, (those who know me well are having a good laugh) above are two single sized tops waiting to become quilts destined to be shipped to Japan when I finish them on the machine.  I'm grateful that there are those in the US who are organizing the transport and distribution. I knew when I made them that they would be useful someday to someone.

This little exercise  is already finished off.  It's now a kindergarten sized quilt with a tiny black and white checked border and a soft blue and white pin striped cotton backing, built for living.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

dream influenced

I wanted to show this new piece in progress the other day but Voodoo decided I should go do something else for a while.  He was quite insistent.

I'm glad everyone else took great pictures of the super moon last night - although it was clear as a bell last night and I could see the craters and such, I still couldn't persuade my camera to come up with anything more that a fuzzy white ball. I did remember to take my tarot cards outside for a blessing.

We've been extra busy around the house this week. Jim is about to start a full time job and I am going to have to relearn how to shop and cook. Prepare for tales of woe from the kitchen.  

I'm been daydreaming about making this since I saw this.

Friday, March 18, 2011

the Big Swap

"Deranged" is being prepped to travel to it's new home.  I've worked out a swap with artist Clara Fialho and can't wait to show you what I will be receiving in return.

The sale is going really well. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far - it's been real a shelf sweeper!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Helping Japan

I was going to raffle off one of my larger pieces but local regulations make that idea a headache I'm not willing to live with. Instead, I'm throwing open the store at Random Acts of Dyeness  through March 31. Here are the details:

Any fiber bundle or grouping is $22, any crocheted cusspot is 12$. 
First come, first to make off with a bargain and help others.
Email me for availability and a PayPal invoice.
I hate it, but I can only ship to the US!.

50% of the proceeds will go to the most direct "to the people" relief fund
I can find and I'm still doing research, all suggestions will be welcome and investigated.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

painting, not.

Did anyone else think how incredibly arrogant I was  to think I could just pick up a brush and wail away in a medium that I never came close to understanding, much less mastering?  

My husband won't even let me paint the window trim.