Saturday, March 16, 2019

spring cold

Not dropped off the face of the world; it just feels that way.

This deep into the school year and I finally caught a case of Pre-K cooties from my little assistant. I think the remedies laid me lower than the actual cold - I just didn't care as much.

It's a good thing that I can (mostly) do the day job in my sleep. Once or twice last night, I picked up a call, listened to what the person wanted and had no idea what they were talking about. In English. 

There are other things that I'm supposed to be doing but the brain is off wandering on cold meds. Stitching in a straight line is as much as I can manage right now.

Monday, March 11, 2019

not hungover

On Saturday, March 9, 2019, I typed ~fini~ and sent it off to a professional for an overview.

It was started, give or take, in the spring of 2014 and didn't get a title, a name until a long time after that.

For no other reason, I feel hungover.

ps. just got off the phone with a very talented advisor.  I may have the words corralled for the moment, but we are a long way from home (published). This was fully expected and I'm fine with it. More learning, more adventures lie ahead.

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

the fix

There. That's better. Some color, even if I'm a little puffy around the edges from too much sleep.

I feel a little more like me evil self today. Yesterday, I finally saw the doctor about my left shoulder. Xrays said no bone fragments or arthritis.

 Let her stick an enormous needle full of voodoo juice in the joint and let me have the full jolt. There will be an MRI to see the extent of the damage and then we'll talk about what's possible, repair-wise.