Friday, December 11, 2020

Glad tidings

 I met a friend for a parking lot picnic yesterday. We need to do this more!

Today there was late lunch with my copirate. We reacquainted ourselves with Sonic who now has an Espresso shake that's a meal unto itself.

Just in. SCOTUS has told Texas, Trump and the rest of the seditious slime that it's all over but the censures, impeachments, indictments, and incarcerations.

First christmas gift and first Christmas card. I'd better get with the program!

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

All Unknowing

These pieces, this one, in particular, make me so happy.

The orbs have been a feature of my work for so long and I've never really examined what that's about. Looking into this series from 2009, they are undoubtedly beings acting in concert. Reacting. Living things. 

Firefles hypnotize me.

Can you tell from these detail shots that it feels like concrete?

Sunday, December 06, 2020


 "Well those drifter's days are past me now

I've got so much more to think about
Deadlines and commitments
What to leave in, what to leave out.." Bob Seeger

Make lists. Lose them. Accomplish one thing in a day and think you are the Shit Queen of Turd Mountain. Don't go downstairs, the kitchen will make you want to cut your throat except who'll have to clean that mess up?

I lost my Zoom virginty earlier this week and wasted a day patting myself on the back over that. Don't get me wrong, it was great fun and will be very useful going forward. Thank you, Dee for helping me thought the fidgets of the technology. And thank you, Ed.Grace for putting my feet back into the writing fire.

Over a year ago, I was first on the scene of a car accident. Talked with one of the drivers and a witness. Gave contact info. Wednesday I was scheduled to appear in court via Zoom to testify. I got dressed. Made self presentable. The Lawyers called it off. It's a wonder any thing gets through our court system. I have nothing to add to this case. I did not see it happen. Nobody seems to care. Screw the lawyers.

 I had a great visit with writer friends. Things are falling (being dragged) into place regarding getting my book out into the world. More steps to take. And before any of this, la familia. 

The river basket is in the closet. Out of sight but not out of mind. I'm in this chair right now wishing for something to hold that requires nothing more than to choose a color, thread the needle and go.

 Not for few more weeks. Deadlines and committments....

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

bathtub gin


This is the trial run of  Bathtub Gin Dirty Threads. Another learning experience underway.

Turns out that this herb drying rack did not go to waste after all, but the poor little things may freeze before they dry! 

I'm seeing a weakness in the colors that I'm sure has to do with the (indoor) temps. I may have to set that gin on fire to get the hot colors I like. There's always overdyeing.

I've had this river grass basket since 2008 and none of the cats have ever expressed any interest in it. I always assumed it had some kind of odor that put them off. This morning Sweetie climbed in, dug around a little, then nested. I couldn't bear to chase her off the scraps and just left her in the weak sunshine. True mixed media. 

She turned eleven sometime in April. We both get around with the same "old lady with arthritis" moves. Sometimes I think she's mocking me. 

I spent too much time (and money) online this weekend getting Christmas shopping done. One of my nephews is a budding artist and I want to support that. The trouble was I kept seeing stuff I wanted for myself. Jerry's Artarama has my number. 
I started hunting around for things and opened this drawer for the first time in a decade. Tomorrow, I'll sit with it all and see what's still good and what goes in the trash.

This one called itself done this morning and will get mounted on canvas soon. Still waiting for a name to be revealed.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020


While waiting for an apple pie to bake, I soaked up some fine music and experimented with new ways to cover ground with the dirty threads. Finishing it just now while listening to Charlie talk himself to sleep was the perfect bookend to my day. 

A fine traditional meal with our small family circle. Plates packed and dropped off for those working double shifts or living alone. 

Then sharing a first look at an older movie with Charlie who gave it 10 stars. "Chicken Run" has my thumbs up too.

It was dark by the time we brought Colin his dinner. An idling freight train was blocking a gated crossing. Police vehicles strobing silently on both sides. We circled around for a better view of the airfield, tiny blue lights stretched into the distance. Then we made our way through town. Every other crape myrtle swathed in Christmas lights. Charlie had a good view from his booster seat in the rear of my coupe, the seat he's about to outgrow. He went quiet.

"I feel like I could cry."

I checked him in the rearview. "What's making you sad?"

"Nothing. The night is just so beautiful."

I'm so humbled and grateful to spend time with this child.