Friday, May 05, 2023

Ship day

 I found the sweet spot at our local post office. 10:30 Friday morning. No waiting! If you've ordered in the last week, your goodies are on the way!

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Epic Fail

I had high hopes for this three-yard swath of mid weight linen. 

But, the temps fell, Turquoise lost his power, and Demon Fuchsia crept out of Plum and spread its pink mud over the land...

The last time I had to deal with this the solution was.......I"m searching the archives.

Monday, May 01, 2023

Shopkeeping, Come What May


For all that, I only kept these three for myself. For now.  I have a lot of things going on and stitching always seems to come up in last place these days. 
Needs change, I guess.

So, there are finally threads and cloth in the shop for those who are still flashing needles and grins. 

Quantities are always finite, but it's only May 1! Plenty more dyefest coming this summer.  I'll be posting more first thing tomorrow.

And somehow, a tutorial.  

I don't yet know what I'm going to do with this cotton/silk twist. I pulled six strands from the rainbow hank just to see how they would handle. Easy enough. I have to measure (where's my measuring tape) to see what I have here. More on this in a few days.

Sunday, April 30, 2023


 I'm out here drying dirty threads,getting some vitamin D, and making sure these clouds don't turn on me. 

the work


I brought these in late yesterday afternoon and let them dry overnight in the studio. 95% dry, give or take, so they won't travel anywhere for at least 48 hours. 

I was a little disappointed in the loss of color intensity, but this confirms my findings that my process requires a minimum of 80 degrees Fahrenheit for the strongest color outcome. 

Still, these have a charm all on their own. I won't use the dirty work pastel.   Heathered is more like it. 

People have often commented that my threads have a shine and ease of handling. I have no science to prove it, but hand washing and rinsing has to have something to do with it.

The hotel pans that Jim rescued from a restaurant renovation years ago have been integral to the process by cutting water use way down.

The threads below spent the night outside on the work table. It rained on and off all night and when I brought them in this morning, it was so cold I could see my breath and my fingers inside my gloves were turning blue. Weather gods, I laugh in your general direction.