Saturday, April 25, 2009

...faces come out of the rain...

Jude's recent post about faces got me to checking into my image files, stuff that I created, not photos, and I came up nearly empty handed. Now you know why. Seems like whenever I set about making faces there's a strong current of menace and mayhem just waiting to manifest. I find most of them hilarious. I brought some embroidery thread to work to see if I remembered how. This feels like a throw back to "Atavistic Inclinations" going back to 2006, one of my first experiments with discharging. Thanks to everyone who wrote and gave input regarding the feed sack material. It's all been prepped and some of it will go into a soda ash bath tonight for a dyefest tomorrow. It's toasty here in Georgia. Seems like we've skipped spring and gone straight to summer - great weather for dyeing.


a.n.t. said...

ROLFMAO - too funny! But, I love it! But then, I'm a huge fan of Tim really should do a piece using this imagery! Just the thing to hang on a child's bedroom wall - lololol. Bet that would straighten a little brat up!

Leslie said...

When yooou're strange. Faces made from fabric usually creep me out, so the Tim Burton reference is spot on for me.. Interesting stuff tho.

jude said...

shit got me with this one.