Thursday, October 29, 2009


I took my camera to work with me yesterday to get a picture of my pet mosses. Here's one wall of my cube. Some of you might recognize your gifts. I get  a lot of compliments for you, Karen and Marie.

The pomegranate was perfect.

Fall sneaks up you here in Georgia.

Here are my pet mosses growing in a crack out in the parking lot. I stopped and petted them the other day. I was going to up root the family and make an indoor desk garden but they seem to be thriving right where they are now so who am I to open up a Moss Guantanamo?


jude said...

my moss dots are being held hostage....

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Awwww..... bet you got some strange looks from anyone who saw you! Too bad for them... nice for the mossies!

Karoda said...

Moss Guantanmo...cracked me up and makes the insominia at the moment a little worth while.

Morna Crites-Moore said...

I love the "nine patch" in your cube, Deb. One of these days, I will share my mosses ... need to get my act together (always). :)

Linda said...

hehehehe ... I used to pick every four leaf clover I came upon. But, it wasn't giving me any luck to have lots of laminated plants and besides they grow tan with age. So now I leave them but point them out to the nearest kid. The next time I visit them ..oopsie.... they're gone. Hope those kids are getting some luck :-)