Tuesday, September 20, 2016

reflexes, deep and wide

I came upstairs to start revisions on a chapter and instead, just spent twenty minutes burrowing through my private stash searching for the right shade of blue and not finding it.

Remembering that Procion discontinued Bonny Blue and any shreds I had left are gone. used up.

This is nothing more than a thought right now and will probably spin off into vapor, but I was reading my email at the same time and went to answer one. Instead of picking up the mouse, I picked up a spool of blue thread, cut a length and threaded a needle before I realized what I was doing.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i am GLAD you threaded that needle...i am GLAD just to see
this small piece of cloth with cloth inside...

is this the blue you wanted? is it pretty true? I will look
in 2 Deb baskets and see if there is some....

Deb Lacativa said...

Yep, I threaded the needle by touch, no eyes, the way my grandmother taught me sixty years ago.