Friday, May 12, 2006

Series Wrap up (for now)

That's the Old Liver on the left and Blue Liver on the right. Don't count on clean living for long life! . I've run out of stuffing for now (thanks, Kitty!) so it's a good time to pull back and take a look at these as a group. Tomorrow I will scooter on up to the hardware store and buy a package of brass swivels so I can hang them. Piling them in endless configurations is entertaining but something is always obscured and I am not a good enough juggler to consider any performance art.


I need orange said...

Every time I look at the pic in your banner it makes me laugh. My parents have movies of me holding my nose and trying to choke down cooked (formerly frozen) yellow summer squash....... That image of me and the one (of you?) in your banner are kindred sisters, for sure.

Mandi aka Fabric Princess said...

These are cool. What are you going to do with them? Do you really have a scooter? I love scooters. They look like fun!

Debra said...

you need a cavity to place these in, don't you??

ACey said...

I've loved keeping track of this series. DO you plan a cavity?

Elle said...

I've been really enjoying this series. So much fun with its organic shapes and the colors are so cool!