Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Artist's Statements - updated

Update - Here's the final version and thanks to all my brilliant friends.

"Mudmen Procession” is part of a series of whole-cloth, dye-painted and stitched works exploring the translation of simple gestures I call "arc and hesitation". These gestures commonly interpret as beings in various attitudes of interaction ; the similarity of forms and the repetition of actions echoing the behavior of humans congregating, as they will, like for like.

_____________________________________ Your job is to determine if I used the online BS generator to create this artist's statement, or not.
"This piece is part of a series of whole-cloth, dye-painted and stitched works exploring the translation of simple gestures I call "arc & hesitation" into representations of beings in various attitudes of interaction ; the similarity of forms and the repetition of actions echoing the behavior of humans congregating, as they will, like for like."
Jeez Louise, I should get paid for writing these things.


Donna said...

:-) given the spelling error in "representations" I'd say noway! :-)

Deb Lacativa said...

HAH! -:WHAT:- spelling error(s)?!
(I found two more and fixed all, thanks!) Damned robots!

Mary Fincke McBride said...

Articles I read said short sentences. I think you have one run on and on. Love it for prose though!

Mary Fincke McBride said...

Article I read said to use short sentences. YOU made one sentence using 48 words! Rebel!!

Anonymous said...

Of course, if they were in a regular art show you could just send them and let the viewers figure it out for themselves.