Saturday, October 06, 2007

Two days, two finished

I'm running out of space on the design wall. Right now, it's seven pieces deep if you only count the ones big enough to overlap. I've gotta get sleeves on all these and take proper digital shots or I'll wind up calling them table cloths and tea cozys and bring them to the Bostwick GA Cotton Gin Festival. Jan Thompson & I are going to be splitting a booth down there on Nov.3 . All I have ready are a bunch of postcards and a half dozen velvet scarves. This is the latest of the whole cloth,dye-painted group. 45"x45" as yet untitled but it's one of the Mob series.


Karoda said...

But what a great problem to have, eh?! And I'm sure you'll get all 7 knocked out!

Linda Branch Dunn said...

I am always surprised when I unpeel the layers on my (tiny) design wall. Ideas ideas ideas, forgotten and still fresh, or over-ripe and time for the compost pile.