Sunday, March 06, 2016


Is it just me?

The almost complete lack of winter (as lame as it is here in Georgia) has me unsettled and not recognizing these days as Spring.

Our pool is a pit of green slime, the algae never died off and turned black like it usually does. We are going to have to move up the purge a whole month.

I spent the morning avoiding all (current) media input. It's verging on toxic. I've done my part - did my investigation, made a contribution, slapped on a bumper sticker and voted. For a few days, anyway, the whole process can just catch a handbasket to hell.

What I'd really like is to go to a baseball radio, no TV, just watch and listen, maybe stitch a bit while they are out there having private conversations on the mound.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i like imagining your pool

Helen Percy Lystra said...

Unsettled seems to be what many of us are feeling this winter that hasn't been.