Wednesday, August 16, 2023



Evidence of a life well lived. 

Before dawn, I opened all the upstairs windows and doors to the fresh air. 68 degrees, clear and dry. A gorgeous day in the making. James Lee Burke would write "Aborning". I don't think I've ever seen that word in print beyond his novels. 

The post title set me surfing for meaning and I have never gotten back such a load of conflicting crap. I won't even dwell on it.

At the post office, an elderly (listen to me talk) gentleman from Pakistan proselytized gently while we waited in line. I usually have a "Praise Beelzebub" for such conversations, but he was doing his thing and I let him roll on without dishing any snark. He was there for a passport picture.  I advised him. "Don't smile."

Business accomplished, I met a friend for lunch and we cackled and rattled our scaly claws over the indictments. Naming the prosecutors one by one. Cackling some more. 

Came home to a smorgasbord of sense delights. My garden, run wild with some alien-looking weeds. Cicadas tuning up. The big Joro spiders webbing up the windows again. Sleeping cats. 

And a fat package on the doorstep.

I am so in love with these colors. Imagining what they will do dancing together!

This is going to be a very special dyefest. 


dragon fruit

bright yellow


blue violet

houdini blue


but right now, the Braves are still in NY slaying them.  I listen to the game on an AM radio station. The closest thing to time travel I know of. 


LaceLady said...

Oh my goodness - how I love these photos! your cat, butterfly wing, cherry or tomato? Reminds me of the song "Dog & Butterfly" by Heart. The explosion of colors with your new dyes. the beckoning and peaceful "sitting" spot in the woods. What a treat!

Liz A said...

the peacock ... same color as the fountain pen ink I loved to use in college

and the indictments ... at long last ... enough to keep bevies of lawyers and talking heads occupied for years ...

Deb Lacativa said...

That's my front yard. The Wild Island weeds holding my perennial garden dream captive one more year.

Liz - I did peacock too- in a cheap Waterman fountain pen. When I couldn't get the cartridges anymore I refilled empties from a bottle of Pelikan peacock with a syringe.