Friday, January 17, 2025


my sandbox

"We takes it where we can gets it." I might be quoting some hobbit. Not sure.

These days comfort comes from stitching, music, movies, and small acts of domesticity and neighborliness. The lure of putting words on paper is right at the edge of all this. Close, just out of reach. 

The best way to describe writing fiction to non-writers is to imagine a thousand-piece jig-saw puzzle in your head with images that keep changing as you try to organize them. When the pieces fall into place and fit. Zing!

Last night, I could write a book about the pleasure of fresh sheets, but I fell asleep. Long luxurious showers are on hold. Our hot water heater is being temperamental and rather than pay a pro to come in and give me bad news, the rule is "Get in, get clean, get out". 

The monthly discretionary fund was supposed to go for a vet visit for Ms. Salem but when the time came to load her into the new carrier, she chose some astounding violence. We backed off and she took refuge under my stitching chair for most of the day. I left the open carried on the floor in the bedroom last night with cat cookies tucked in the back. Each one, even Salem, took turns investigating. 


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