Thursday, November 05, 2009

passing time (on the left)

The internet provides endless opportunities for inspiration, solace and plain 'ole passing time. Equal measures for all.                                        Elizabeth Barton continues to kick my ass at Lexulous, (far more insidious than crack) even as she opens a solo show!
Visiting friendly old blogs and a few new places feels like being driven through interesting countryside like a recovering gork. Take a peek in on theWorstHorse,  come to from Whiskey River, and a very illuminating and thought provoking post here. Even the comments are important.        

In the studio, two new avenues of idea and action. Above, a large piece developing with the intent of mounting it to a canvas.  On the left, a new piece of hand music giving thought to an empty space in my life right now.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


                         Without heart for much else, I have been cleaning and putting other things to work. I found  some unused canvases and have started mounting smaller hand stitched pieces with acrylic medium, basically mummifying the fabric in plastic.  Once dry, the textures are still there but the hand is gone. Hand? Given that we discourage people from touching the art was                                                     hand ever a consideration for this kind of piece? This is one of the Gray Grid series now up for sale at the Hand Music store                                                                 

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


My constant companion Jinx has been missing for two days and we fear the worst.

She started Firefly  with me just  after my birthday and she finished it with me curled in my lap on Sunday morning.  I am sad beyond words.

To all the kind hearts who have offered encouragement, hope and prayers, I thank you. My thoughts wander back and forth between imagined horrors and the hope that she is doing what animals do - find seclusion, curl up and wait for whatever may be.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Catch and Release

This piece announced that it was really and truly finished this morning and it was time to set it free. Well, not exactly free. We had our first sunny day in ages and I was able to get the photographs I wanted to launch my new online store for all the smaller scale things I have been working on for months :  Hands Music Fiber Art

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I took my camera to work with me yesterday to get a picture of my pet mosses. Here's one wall of my cube. Some of you might recognize your gifts. I get  a lot of compliments for you, Karen and Marie.

The pomegranate was perfect.

Fall sneaks up you here in Georgia.

Here are my pet mosses growing in a crack out in the parking lot. I stopped and petted them the other day. I was going to up root the family and make an indoor desk garden but they seem to be thriving right where they are now so who am I to open up a Moss Guantanamo?