Saturday, June 26, 2010

thunder rolls

The skies went dark and green and thunder rolled just as the Braves finished off the Detroit Tigers so I thought I'd dash out and get a few of the bigger pieces of damask out of the jars for a natural rinse in the storm that's bearing down on us.

These pieces have been stewing in the soda ash for almost two weeks. I hope I haven't hurt the cloth by putting things off  so long. They feel like wet hides, all thick and slimy.


Jan & I made our annual pilgrimage to a Braves game last night - my first friday night with fireworks game. The Braves won, and  we enjoyed the game in swank comfort thanks to her neighbors unused season tickets.

Jan got me into a shirt for the occasion and I picked our  pitcher KAWAKAMI who had not yet won a game this year, not because he is a bad pitcher but it seemed like whenever it was his turn to pitch, everyone else forgot how to bat! Yeah, I know it's on backwards - anything to get on the JumboTron at Turner Field!

  UPDATE...a few minutes ago KK got his first win in a nailbiter and thanks to our hero on the van Chipper Jones who hit a three run homer run as sweet as red velvet cake.

silk velvet

A few years back I did a booming season selling hand dyed silk/rayon velvet scarves at a few local craft fairs - no mean feat in Georgia. "The Velvet Lash" was quite successful for a while but in a years time were passed over in favor of the trixier ones that were crocheted or knitted with things like Monkey skins or copper wires and such..

I was probably selling them too cheaply but it was a learning experience and I came out ahead of the game. I had a few left over that were too garish for the crowd. They were originally dyed with Procion MX with bonds viciously to the rayon fibers. Since these were 80%rayon and 20% silk, I figured that the Colorhue dyes would not be wasted on them. I was right.

Friday, June 25, 2010

ColorHue Dyes

Where has this stuff been all my fiber life?
I can see with just a little monkeying around that many things are different here. The physics of wet in wet. How far color will and wont wander. The transparency effects and how the different colors work together or not.

I made the mistake of separating the various silks from their bags with labels so I don't have  the right names for the fabric.
This silk is sturdy, shiny and shrieks when you rip it with gusto. It loves the dye.
A little goes a long way and I'm running wild this morning...

Mark making with brushes and droppers. Seeing how far and true I can make my intentions and just how much is left to the whim of the cloth, dye and water.

I feel the ladybugs watching from the treeline, nervous.

Tigers Go Swimmin Wit Bowlegged Wimmin

That title ought to drag in a new and interesting audience!

For the moment this is a picture-less post. A heads up and reminder to self to let go worries and enjoy the good stuff. This is my first Friday off from work in forever and I've packed too much into the day but while it's still coolish outside I'm going to be putting dye to some silk. Pictures will surely follow.

I'll be going to my first ever Friday night Fireworks ballgame at Turner Field tonight.Pray for a Win..I can't imagine enjoying fireworks if the home team gets their ass kicked can you??

As to that strange title - I keep having to pinch myself to believe it happened.

Yesterday Jim and I were drifting around in the pool  when I noticed Sweetie leaning in to take a drink (we work hard to keep the pool clear and clean with minimal chemicals).

I drifted over to her. She didn't spook and split. I scratched her cheeks,  put my arm around her and took her in both arms in a safe grip and stepped away from the edge.

She didn't freak or fight or even tense. I let her legs and body be in the water all the while singing her a little song "tigers go swimmin ...." after a minute I took her back to the deck and let her debark. She was as wet and amazed as we were and scampered off to groom and be cooler.

Next time, I'll try to get pictures. If I didn't have a witness I would think it was a dream.