I've been up before the sun putting little bits of cloth together until I decide I liked the way things look.
The bristle of all the pins is distracting so my next step is to baste the whole piece with great leaping jumps of a single strand of blue thread..easy to cut and pull out as I need to along the way.
It's very easy to lose sight of the whole picture during this part of the process. Strokes for the sake of taking them won't add up.
All the cloths I've chosen are loose and open - the thread and needle pass through with almost no resistance - quite probably more than one of those little red spots is my blood.
So easy to be sidetracked by the juicy splendor of the individual fabrics but it will be easy to make design revisions before settling in the stitching that ties everything together, the marks that will make it whole.
1300 posts. really?
Should I throw a party?