Thursday, July 25, 2013

Night visitor

(photos by Colin Lacativa)
We had a late night visitor . It's remarkable how this Luna's eyes look like satin stitching. He/she hung around on the screen door and was gone this morning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

project backlog

Too many irons in the fire?

Nobody said you had to pick them up.

Does anyone have any experience with image licensing?  All wisdom, pros and cons are welcome. Comment wildly below or email me privately...thanks!

I got lost glyphing with scribbler last evening. I think I know what they mean.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Was that thunder?

Yes, it was. Again.

Time to climb off this pile of lovely hand dyed cloth where I was grooming my nethers and find a place to hide until the storm passes.

(Dear cloth customers - that's my cloth under Sweetie's butt. Your cloth is all ironed and folded behind her.)

Friday, July 19, 2013

big doings

I have been scrounging about trying to find an appropriate setting to photograph all the new work.

Nothing was better than the space where I had my solo  show last year so, on a whim, I called the owner at Phoenix & Dragon  and asked if it would be  possible to squeeze in a couple of hours of wall time for a photo shoot when they were between exhibits. Turns out she did have some time, like AUGUST and would be pleased to have me back.  Two weeks to put together a solo betcha I will. More to come.

In the same morning I made a commitment to advertising my work for rent or sale in the Georgia Film & Television Sourcebook, both online and in print. I don't know about you but sometimes the art I see on the walls in a movie or on TV is more interesting than what may be happening between the actors . I'm always googling "who painted that painting in the scene...." with little success.  "Meet Joe Black" is a great example of Art being a star, if you can focus on a scene that does not have Brad Pitt in it.

You may have read about Atlanta becoming the Hollywood of the South.  What with Screen Gems already here and London's Pinewood Studios coming soon, there will be lots of opportunities for all manner of craft and support vendors and I plan on getting my darlings up onto the silver screen. If any Georgia based artists want to know more, send me an email and I'll hook you up.

Now I really, really have to update my website!!