Tuesday, July 30, 2013

doing the sleeve city slog

The peskiest part is over - fitting, pinning and test flying a sleeve. These are the last two and I'll try to get them done this evening.

I left them hanging up outside after a good spritz and happily all the storage wrinkles just evaporated. Both of these were conceived and constructed as utility quilts but never used.

Everything is marshalled, packed and ready to go tomorrow morning. There will be lots of good pictures,

It was pointed out to me that "Ocean Homes" has a strong grail feature..I thought it was a swimming pool when I was making it. But a grail shaped swimming pool? Why not.


Monday, July 29, 2013

showtime round 2

This is a detail from "Beaches"  a piece that you've never seen a full image of  because I never put a sleeve on it - just finished it, took a few quick and dirties and put it away.
That was in 2010.

Tomorrow I'll be fitting a sleeve onto it because it will (hopefully) be included in a solo show that I'm hanging on Wednesday morning.

I have been offered the gallery for the whole month of August back at Phoenix & Dragon,  here in Atlanta.  The owner curated the show last year from nearly thirty pieces that I brought her and I was so pleased with her choices.

 I have twenty four new pieces to bring her and the room is large enough for more than three fourths of them.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

dyefest july 2013

I got about half of Aunt Jo's vintage linens into the dye today. I held back a monogrammed pillowcase for myself. It's labeled Thomaston Page and the kind  of delicious cotton that is always cool a little longer when you flip your pillow.

I remixed a few colors and used them quite strong as I'm afraid the stock may have suffered since it's not been refrigerated since first mixed. For a change of pace I made a point of scrubbing the color deep into the cloth so the coverage would be as even as possible rather than my usual splotchorama serendipity. But it's hot and I'm tired so the reveal will have to wait.

I'm going to have to find a way for this Lantana to winter indoors with us this year since it's pot-mates are not winter hardy, even in Georgia.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


cotton table cloth
My cousin sent a package with a bundle of vintage linens that came from our aunt's home. Josie was my mother's oldest sister, an adult when my mother was born and her surrogate mother. That is the only provenance I have for these things, which means some of them could be as old as the turn of the century. They traveled a lot so the decorative things may have come from anywhere. At first I though this one was a holiday kind of thing but on closer inspection of the elements, it's just plain quirky. I dimly recall Aunt Jo doing some kind of needlework. This just might be from her head and hand.  I will consult the older cousins...

Friday, July 26, 2013

passing time

Nothing new or creative here from me right now, but I used to be...

from 2005, if you have some time on your hands this weekend

Here's the end result and here is what passes for instruction....