For the first time since moving here in '93, I'm proud to say I'm from Georgia.
Wednesday, January 06, 2021
Monday, January 04, 2021
wayward thumbs
There it is. The offending digit. Why it's on strike is beyond me. Lefty really doesn't do a whole lot beyond. this holding move. There's a bit of space bar action when I'm working or writing, all of which has progressed from annoying to painful.
Over the weekend it went from bad to worse. So, 1/18 at 8:45am it's time to see a doc about this hand jive.
Sunday, January 03, 2021
time shift
Everyone seems to be having image trouble.
My problem is not laying my eyes on something that I haven't already taken a picture of. Then there's the whim of my old phone/camera to deal with.
Anyone have an Android phone they love? Which and why?
(I hate shopping for technology)
I have figured a way around buying DragonSpeak.
Friday, January 01, 2021
The First
The barrage started around 11:30 and didn't let up until sometime after 1 a.m. . I guess the locals have been saving up their fireworks for a while, or their stimulus checks landed in the nick of time.
The sad part is that there's never anything to see. They're all noise. Granted, the noises got bigger and louder as the evening wore on, but after midnight, I was well past caring.
As fresh as the year is, I'm still waiting. A lot of people are. Waiting for test results. Waiting for the vaccine. Waiting for jobs, food. It's heartbreaking and appalling.
Waiting for the Georgia runoff election. Waiting to see what fresh hell oozes out of the White House.
So, this. Something to hold onto while we wait.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Many people have been cursing 2020. I won't. It's been a year of terrible truths.
People are paying attention to things in ways they never did in their whole lives.
Something good has to come of all of all it. The darkeness cannot stand when so many people of good will see it for what it is.