I had a hard time photographing this one when it was dry. There's a green glow that the camera just doesn't pick up. Maybe it's my eyes.
August 11 - September 10, 2011
An exhibition of the finest art quilts in Canada and the United States. This year the theme is "The Sea".
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 13, 3 - 5 pm, during the Lowell Quilt Festival.
Juror: Gerald Roy, Member, Executive Board, National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY; Chair, Acquisitions Committee; Member, of National Advisory Board, Administrator, Quilt Appraisal Certification Program - American Quilters Society, Paducah, KY; Acquisitions Board: New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA.
Today, quilts are finally overcoming their old-fashioned reputation. Once perceived as blocklike, follow-the-rules fabric sandwiches, contemporary art quilts — with the emphasis on art — break the conventional code.
The quilt artist seeks to innovate by applying art principles and art experience from other areas like drawing, painting, and sculpting as well as working with the tactile richness of fabric and adding the textures of quilting stitches.
As defined by The Art Quilt Association, "The contemporary art quilt is an original exploration of a concept rather than a traditional pattern. It experiments with textile manipulation, color, texture, and a diversity of mixed media."
The concept for this year's Art Quilts Lowell at the Brush Gallery in Lowell is The Sea and there is a remarkable breadth of interpretation and media by 31 artists from all over the US and Canada.
This Year's Artists
Betty Busby - NM Victoria Carr - MA Gerrie Congdon - OR Lisa M. Corson - CT Nancy Crasco - MA Grace Errea - CA Diane Franklin - MA Sandy Gregg - MA Carol Anne Grotrian - MA Beverly Hertler - NJ Rosemary Hoffenberg - MA Lauren Horowitz - NY Janice Jones - MA Deborah Lacativa - GA Susan Lenz - SC | Ingrid Lincoln - Manitoba |