Thursday, March 11, 2010

lost 24hrs

I've finally taken the step of working beyond the mounted fabric. All that white space around the piece just won't do sometimes - especially when the standard sized canvas is not really right for the piece.  OMG, it's almost a painting.

Doing this made me very anxious - that old "artist faces blank canvas fever" came back like malaria. Then I reminded myself of the gallon of gesso I have languishing under the work table. There are do-overs aplenty in that can.

I did a little stitching on the current WIP last night but I was afraid to go too much further as I was still feeling pretty pointy headed and didn't want any blood on the design.

Yesterday (my day off) was lost to me. Tuesday night around midnight I took a new pill that's supposed to help my back pain and NOT render me deaf. Instead, I was a drooling idiot for most of my waking hours yesterday.

Jim and Colin had great fun mocking my stoned self and I will have have to revisit that tutorial, written heavily under the influence as it was. I know spell checker had a merry time of it. Wordy as hell for  a tutorial. Still, I had been thinking about what I wanted to say for some time so the thoughts were there just needing to be rounded up like so many rabid rabbits by the rancher with cotton candy for brains.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mummy making

As promised, here's my tutorial on making fiber mummies or fiber fossils.
I can't decide which name I like better.

Please read the whole thing through before you dive in and email me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


"Old Comfort" is mounted and I'm pleased that  none of the bright whites lost their pop.

I took a whole series of photos around this one and the process and will get them published with commentary when I get an hour or so. (click for closeup)

                                                       I've started work on mounting "Candyland"
which will really benefit from the darkening that comes with this process. It was a pastel disappointment but you can see by the red that it's going to be a color riot. Now if I can just work up the courage to paint in the margins - extend the design beyond the fiber.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Hare & Tortoise

Jude described me in her sidebar as "fast but slow.." Flattered to be mentioned at all,  I wasn't sure I understood it until I spent the entire evening stitching a two square inch area on this only to pick it all out.

I trample all over myself to lay the groundwork, the broad strokes and then revel in the long, drawn out process of modifying that groundwork with the stitch. There's my Slow Cloth philosophy.

If I were in prison I would have no trouble tunneling out with a teaspoon. I have told clients, when they inquire how long it will take to make a report over the phone, "Together, we will be moving a mountain with a teaspoon. One teaspoon at a time and suddenly, the mountain is gone."

Kate of the brilliant Needled is chronicling her way back from a stroke and gave me another shift of vision on fast & slow. Isn't her Hare magnificent?

Saturday, March 06, 2010


When I unfurled yesterdays start today I wondered who put acid in the yogurt so I dismembered and cannibalized it right down to the dirt.

One false start after another finally got me to this place by about 10pm.  Now it's working for me and basting is under way.

I really loved that "storm cloud" commercial batik that I wrapped around it yesterday but it was just too busy  and had to go back in the stash for another day.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Ask & ye shall receive..

No kidding. And don't forget to be careful about what you ask for. I wasted an hour this morning cruising the web looking for fresh ideas for my own home made website which is not reflecting my current work or direction . Bored and aggravated by coming up empty, I did a quick run though of the blogs I check in on and lo&behold-  Tracy Helgeson held up the torch and pointed the way.

I'm cross eyed and crazy right now but it looks like OPP has what I'm looking for by way of change. I ain't thrilled with the notion of paying for something I've always had for free but I'm doing that now at the store anyway so I'll have to study the particulars, do the math and maybe split the difference.

"In the dream I woke with a start and rushed outside into the yard. The sky was impossibly huge and black and the porch light was defeated to old butter on the ground  by it's density. The stars were all wrong in the sky for any  time of the year and the air was so cold and bitter that one could not suck any life out of it."

It was a good night at the Whine Mine last night. The Folks must have been exhausted from three straight days of complaining and picked last night to lay low and leave the phone alone. Maybe they were watching American Idol and fell asleep before it was over. TGIF even though I am working this week end.

Robert Genn's twice-weekly newsletter was about the creative flow that can come from the bored place in the brain, "Accessing the default mode network". That was timely for me too.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

crocheted calm

I can't remember the last time the sky was clear for the full moon so this will do in it's place. I collect these, sort of, dessert plates in any pattern or white & blue. Long ago I had a full set of Blue Willow dishes. A full set of anything bores me these days.

Crochet was on my mind after reading
 EmilyBs blog.
Nothing inspiring jumped out of the scrap basket last night so rather than force the issue, I took a ball of cotton string and crochet hook and watched the first few contestants massacre music on A.Idol. I'm not caught up in it as in years past since I don't get to see it regularly. This year it looks as if the judges rounded up a lot of pretty faces with voices like howling cats. I kept waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out on stage and tell the judges that they had been Punked.

This is serious string. You could probably hang yourself with two strands if you're petite. 12 ply I think, can't remember where it came from - not craft store stuff for sure. I used a big K hook and before I knew it there were three large cusspots. Yesterday I uncovered a large batch of the smaller ones.

I don't know what to do with them and they are breeding like rabbits.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010


The stitching on "Lavanderia" is finished. Now I have to find the right size and shape canvas for it.  Because of the bright white base cloth, this will be the first time that I paint the canvas to extend the fiber design. slowly. slowly. This would be a good piece for the mounting tutorial I've been yattering about.

On the back burner - a redesign for my website so I can feature the things I have been focusing on over the past year. It's long overdue and a good excuse to throw myself into learning CSS for real. A useful brain exercise instead of frittering away my (forced) time on the computer on freecell or solitaire.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

new cards

I just ordered a batch of new business cards. I put Firefly on the front this time - it's a pretty clear indicator of what I'm up to these days.

It's been snowing all morning and last week we were hearing the first tree frogs. They must be pretty freaked out.

I'm feeling cranky and fuzzled - could be that I started watching "the Last Winter" when I got in bed last night past midnight and it scared me awake until 2ish.
Ghost devil reindeer indeed.

Sweetie sez "naptime"

Monday, March 01, 2010

Marketing Monday

Almost forgot to add this one!

Winter Solstice is now up and available at Hand Music Fiber Art.

It's good  to get back to the rhythm of the day to day. I have to repack my go-bag for work just in case I feel a little inspiration later in the day. There's a bundle of fabric to go to the post office  and a stop at Goodwill to see what's new and interesting.  At some point I need to get some new sneakers. Today is day one in the Couch to 5K program and I'm not feeling it - maybe sneakers will help.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

old comfort

"Old Comfort"

I done stitching on this one. I have an old favorite shirt that's this raggedy and stained - no longer fit for wearing and yet I can't bring myself to take it out of the closet.

It was good seeing everyone up in New York and getting a taste of winter but it's so good to be home again.

I was reminded of how I used to seek refuge from a cramped and overheated home life by being outdoors for hours on end in the wintertime.  The stillness and peace was, and remains, narcotic.

Friday, February 26, 2010

real winter

Seems like the northeast has forgotten what winter is all about. The news media here is having hysterics over 20" just like they do in Georgia for 2". Yawn. It's white and wet and it will be gone in a week.
Although it rained here all day yesterday we did get some snow overnight after all, maybe 10" so far, heavy and wet.Great Snowman making snow. I cleared off the cars and truck with a broom, trudged around in the snow for a while taking pictures and I'm sweaty & exhausted before lunch. Naptime.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

making on hold

I crammed half my suitcase with a hastily selected bunch of scraps but there's been no time for creating.

We spent much of yesterday in the hospital with my Dad - he's doing great and may get out soon. I took lunch up to Mom at the nursing home midday and it was great fun surprising both of them.

There seems to be a blizzard going on all around us. It rained slush here all day but we are snug & warm. My brother is cooking up a mexican storm and keeping the fireplace blazing and tonight they throw two more howling cats off of Idol!  Let it Snow!