Thursday, May 30, 2013

morning gloom

The racket of power equipment started with coffee this morning. The electric company has been prowling the neighborhood pruning and lopping trees that overhand or otherwise threaten the power lines which are still archaically strung from poles in this old neighborhood.

That tree on our next door neighbors front lawn has been leaning pretty much like that for a long time. When it does fall it's going to sweep down poles, wires, transformers and all.  Still, I'm happy they did not cut it down but merely manicured the front side..ridiculous if you know any geometry at all.

I went back to minding my own business only to run into a little resistance at the work table. Oh well, the light wasn't yet really optimal for hand stitching.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Having a day off in the middle of the week is such a treat I don't mind giving up Saturday nights. We went to see Star Trek Into Darkness today. I could take or leave 3D but it was great fun-
love having all my buttons pushed.

I have given up watching movie trailers and reading reviews so I won't spoil it for anyone. Let's just say if you have ever been a fan, you'll love it.

Earlier today I settled on some changes for Firmament. I'll be basting away all these pins tomorrow and starting a few applique experiments for the skyful of stars I've imagined.

 One of the coolest things on my new phone is Droid Sky View.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the Royals

Now, that's what I was looking for.

(washed and dry)

the Creatives

 I've been following Mad Men again and thinking about how the executives talk about the "creatives" as if they were a herd of witless critters that needed to be whipped into some kind of frenzy to lay eggs or artwork.

The suits seem to have no appreciation for the people make something out of nothing.

I spent the morning playing God -bringing eyes, teeth and tongues to the blind and toothless. A few wings too.

Now, there's a garden and a pool to tend.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

This weekend I felt the turning of the Great Wheel.

The Moon was ablaze with messages and blessings.  I remembered that it's been a full year since we lost Karma. Today I went in the pool for the first time this year, but no lifeguard stood watch .

We all noted that this is the first Memorial Day without Pop, who was a WW2 vet who served in the Navy in the Pacific aboard the destroyer escort USS Braine. We all still struggle with the loss but I've realized how strongly his  influence will remain with all of us. More than just memories persist. Poppy is there in the decisions that we make, in the way we face the world and how we all make the best of each situation with an abundance of caution.

My two best friends have both been waiting a long time for important things - a place of her own for one, and a job for the other. They both got what they needed! And my son Colin has finished an important creative project.

It has NOT been business as usual in my life these past few days.


I named the image "fails" but I should take it back. Just because they didn't hold the intensity of color seen here, in the wet, doesn't mean they didn't turn out to be beautiful in a delicate way.

Thinking though a solution and have a few new pieces stewing right now and will see what tomorrow brings.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

like I need another diversion....

Hate me later.

While I was looking for something else (ain't it always that way on the web?) I found this in the Chrome Apps store. I'm not sure if it works from within other browsers.  These very quick sketches were made (with a mouse) and Mr. doob's Harmony..

(and if you know of a free web app that makes something that looks like index cards laid out on a table top, let me know)

Friday, May 24, 2013

taken under

I'm writing again and seem to get my best work done while I'm sleeping. Of course, there's no scribe taking notes for me. Dreams can be sketchy at best.
Pictures linger longer than words or ideas.

There is a setting with water everywhere. A town eaten by a reservoir and a brook with a bridge where there are only rumors of trolls.

This series will follow the text as it uncoils across the paper. If I never finish the book, or get it published, I'll have these.

I just saw this post networked on FB and feel like I just announced that next Monday  I'm going to rob a bank while naked (but face painted), armed with a squirt gun full of gin and assisted by my Barbary ape, Ace, who is an excellent driver but not yet housebroken.

dye days continued

I started a new piece on the design wall this morning and found myself actually rooting through my stash for a specific color....and not finding it! (If you could imagine)

The weather is spectacular and the dye deck was waiting so I put up about 20 pieces but plan to let them brew overnight. I'm really hopeful that the tasty looking chocolate in the bottom right corner holds true!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

storm stitching

After we got home from a trivia victory at Italian Pie, I stayed up to catch the season finale of Chicago Fire. Earlier, the weather dude and the online map promised that the swarm of thunderstorms sweeping across the state would miss us.
They goofed - a boom of distant thunder got me up out of the stitching chair to check windows.

I went down to the dyedeck to check on what might need to be brought inside and wondered if they were wrong...the almost full moon was brilliant and the sky clear.

 There was another distant boom of thunder and, while I watched,  the moon was obscured by a lace curtain of clouds and an opening volley of heavy drops spattered across the tent top. I quickly turned out all the containers onto the deck boards and let everything take the blessing..big laundry session coming up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

a day away from the chair

The mailbox garden is at its peak.
The peonies burst open and disintegrate within days in the Georgia heat. This year I'll be digging cuttings and sharing them around. The fringy paler mutant below will be cut to come inside..the rains made them top heavy.

Meanwhile, out on the burning dyedeck, many cloths came under the spell while I listened to a day game on the radio and gave m'self some minor heat stroke. The pool is still too cold to be a remedy or relief.

Some errands, a nap and then out for dinner at the trivia joint which has become a regular, fun thing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

a rondo of consequences

....and an overflowing cast of characters.

This story is unfolding but the other one is broken, boxed in, and has no anchor. I'll have to dwell on that from a cave I think.

While I was out on the deck trying to read a lady cardinal flew down and tried to pull a shiny one off my ankle beads  and the blue tailed lizards were looking at me making those naughty moves with their heads. Lizard lust.