Wednesday, September 16, 2015

the Opening

I won't whine about not having taken any pictures myself because I was having too good a time enjoying the festivities. Colin did a great job.
Friends, old and new, family, and total strangers wandered in. For the first time, I was able to enjoy exhibiting my art because of the temporal distance I have from most of it now. It was fun to engage with visitors about my techniques and talk about textile art in general.

The hour and a half flew by in a blur and afterward, I was taken out to dinner. It was a great evening.

Because this room is used for many scheduled activities such as yoga classes, meditation groups, etc, please check the calendar at Phoenix & Dragon if you decide to visit the show. This also means that a lot more people are going to be viewing the work.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

two to get ready

I just came from last minute (almost) details for the show. "Spooky Stories", my Dad's quilt, is NFS and is a little rumpled from the time it spent in my lap this morning while I stitched on a sleeve. It's been in use since it came back to me from  New York so there were little things here and there that needed attention, like a small patch of baby barf that escaped my attention.

The quilt on the right, "Hopped Up", sold before I got it hung, right from the FB announcement of the show. I'll have to dig through the archives here and print out the provenance for the new owner.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Same place. Another lifetime.

  August 26, 2013 was the last time I had a show at Phoenix & Dragon. Jim and Colin hung about twenty pieces while I stood around and got in the way.

 Jim was not feeling well but still did a fantastic job with Colin at his side, learning.

The next day we saw the doctor and got the diagnosis.

the hard work

"Reticulated"  2007 
Who stays and gets to strut it's stuff and who gets rolled up to go back into the closet?   I spent two full hours making those decisions yesterday and, with no one to help me pull back and see clearly, I hope I made the right choices.

It might just be a big damn mess, but the ones that got to stay are clearly my favorites. I was alone in the room with memories. Today, Colin and I will go over and actually get everything up on the walls. Here are a few who didn't make the cut even though I hauled them over there.

None of my smaller pieces are represented.
It's a big room and the littles tend to get lost.

"Limbo" 2007
I'm going to be updating my gallery over the coming weeks so each one will get a chance to shine.

"Summer banner" wasn't even finished and no time to make it happen.  (minus the lettering, of course)

so many more. so many.
"Mirage" (from the highway to hell series)

Monday, September 07, 2015

new territory

More like uncharted territory.
Much has gone on since the positive change in my health status. It's been strange coming "unstuck", but I'm working on it.

I have been scrambling to make ready for another solo show at Phoenix and Dragon in Roswell. It's been two years since the last one and I warned the owner that I had no new work.
She was happy to have a retrospective. There is room for 12 to 15 pieces depending on the sizes. So I decided to haul everything out of hiding/storage just to have a look and see what I was thinking.

Some stuff left me cold and will be finding new homes in strange places (a public art experiment that I'm still thinking about).
Others took my breath away.
Instead of moaning "Who was this person of exuberance?" I can now say that I had a great run at it for a while. And you can just never tell, so I'm not junking the Janome anytime soon.

The show, "Reclamation & Rebirth" opens Sunday, Sept. 13 with a small reception from 4:30 to 600pm in the gallery at the Phoenix & Dragon bookstore and will run through the end of September.