Sunday, March 06, 2016

for Grace


Is it just me?

The almost complete lack of winter (as lame as it is here in Georgia) has me unsettled and not recognizing these days as Spring.

Our pool is a pit of green slime, the algae never died off and turned black like it usually does. We are going to have to move up the purge a whole month.

I spent the morning avoiding all (current) media input. It's verging on toxic. I've done my part - did my investigation, made a contribution, slapped on a bumper sticker and voted. For a few days, anyway, the whole process can just catch a handbasket to hell.

What I'd really like is to go to a baseball radio, no TV, just watch and listen, maybe stitch a bit while they are out there having private conversations on the mound.

Monday, February 29, 2016


Seasoned readers will think "oh, oh. she's been doing a whole lot of nothing." but, not so.

Mending, putting new bindings on old service quilts, actual zipper replacements - real old school stuff. I have new callouses.

It was warm enough to leave doors and windows open today and I was outside looking at the dyedeck wondering what would be next.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

spring wear

This has been missing for a while. It needs a little work, but I'll wear it out today just for some fun.

A better look..

Friday, February 19, 2016


I've been looking at the large chunks of good quality commercial cotton I still have as I shuffle tubs and containers around trying to make room in the closet.

The Janome behaved well recently and the activity was rewarding mentally. This kind of design work sparks flow. Winter weight quilts or two layer flings..tops are tops.

I've had to make some major changes to my manuscript - pacing issues - and looking at this quilt, I'm realizing that good design is good design, no matter the medium.

The cloth speaks.