Monday, May 27, 2019

Everyone is off...

...but me. I'll be taking tales of woe starting at 3:30. Hopefully, very few of them.
It's been a busy, productive weekend. There was production,  cooking, cleaning, some stitching, and writing. By nightfall, I'm hoping the pool will be filling - our latest start ever, but that's life.

What's disturbing is that there seem to be almost no signs of life out there in the murk. Normally, we are up to our asses in tadpoles. I heard the frogs this year, but what were they doing?
Colin will confirm one way or another shortly.

There were none. Zero. No polliwogs to relocate as we have been doing year in and year out.

There are new sets of Dirty Thread and the Fat Baggy Scrap basket has been restocked with some wild stuff.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

On the wall

Ace of Cups and Four of Cups. I need a new project.

Early returns

It's cooler outside than in this morning. One of the perks of living in a hollow.
All windows are open for a while -purging the conditioned air- the scents of gardenias, magnolias, and all the other fecund greenery taking its space. Just until the sun gets over the ridge.

Last night I picked a few random skeins from the deck and force dried them. Not what I was looking for, but at least I know the "why" behind the results.

Nothing to do now but wait for the heat of the day to dry the rest. Some spinning off while I do the day job tonight. It gets slow on the weekends and I'm glad to have something simple to do with my hands other than surf the web.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


I get requests.

Whether or not I can grant them remains a mystery.

Can I duplicate a thread? I can try, but it's not looking likely.  The colors here are not part of my current pallet.

The bigger problem. Can I make enough of one color so an artist can approach a larger project with more than just one bobbin of a favorite color?

That was the aspect I tackled today. With a slight change of process, I might have hatched out some close cousins. Won't know until everything is dried and spooled.

It was too damn hot out there for this old spider. I think I may try the next run by the full moon and maybe a candle. The colors will be a mystery even to me.
the picnic table...pity the colors won't stay

Friday, May 24, 2019

TGIF even tho I only went back to work just yesterday.

My Swedish ivy is loving being back outside. I need to get some small pots to start a squad of offspring for gift giving.

On sale at the grocery store. I'll be having a smallish house guest from time to time. We are going to cook something. These will bring some fun.

My mood this morning. Keeping the blank slate at the ready, coffee light and sweet while I get drunk on the scent of the gardenias.

I have to work this weekend including the holiday.  Not a suffering as I had no plans.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

my dark materials

There's still a small clutch of dirty threads available. If you want to get crazy and split up the foursomes in some way that suits you, email me and we'll work something out.
(I kept this one)

I'm at least ten days away from the next round, despite perfect dyeing weather. At that time, I'm going to be taking some requests!

what spring?

Nothing like a summer cold in Georgia. You just think that being outside in the air and sun would be a good thing until you try it.

Charlie's school had a little year-end celebration yesterday and this morning, it was clarified that today, not tomorrow, is the last day of school. All of these days together have made life so sweet.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


by Gemina Ferrari
In case you were wondering how I felt about a bunch of old white men making decisions about women's healthcare and what they do with their bodies.
This aggression will NOT stand.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hectic week

Not that the week itself was so hectic for me. Just different. Colin sent this today. Wonderful start to the morning. The rest of the day ate itself in chunks of errands and nonsense.

By the time I had to sit down to the day job, this was happening out under the hot sun. I'll be going downstairs to rinse them out in a little while. See if my experiment ran the way I intended.

Yesterday was given over to socializing - yes, actual face to face conversation with an adult peer. Remember that? We brought stitching but not much got done for the yakking. It's nearly finished anyway. The Ace of Cups.

But the crown of my week was this: Charlie busting out of Pre-K!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

something different

Never fool with technology when you are bored and not paying full attention. Still, this is not a bad layout and it's supposed to be mobile friendly.

Started the day early with a little stitch and music while I mused on the nature of Evil. I know, weird, but this is what writers do.

Then I went downstairs to take care of the kitchen and was seized by the spirits of the next book. Got a big chunk of that out of the way.

Then we got to renew the thrill of hearing vinyl on a turntable. The Flaming Lips have a 45 of  Bowie's "Space Oddity".  Great stuff!